PLPOA Editorials
Please let me know if you have any problems with links John Kruse
Wind Towers
As many of you already know, the proposed Wind
Tower (and Solar array field) has been cancelled for the location 1.5 miles
south of Pelican Lake.
Unfortunately, the timing of this Wind Tower
issue created some misunderstanding of the process of getting approval for a
project like this, and the details involved with the Township Meetings,
planned Township Public hearing, and potential Township vote for a
Conditional Use Permit. With
Juhl Energy (the project proposer) facing an end of year deadline, the
project appeared to many as being pushed too fast, causing concern. But
the process was following the State, County and Township rules,
Click on the links below for cancellation posting
for the public hearing, and statements from Dunn
Township and Lake
Region regarding some of the
misunderstandings and details.
Our goal at PLPOA is to work more closely with
developers, the Townships, and County, so that future projects have earlier
and more complete transparency of information and facts. Our
Minnesota Lakes resource is an extremely valuable asset to all the public,
County citizens, and property owners. We
need to work together to make the best decisions for all. We
do believe the correct decision has been made (canceling this project), but
we surely can improve the process.
You, and Merry Christmas..... Dave
Majkrzak, President-Elect, PLPOA